Thursday, March 31, 2016

This World Is Too Weird!

There is nothing called a free lunch. Everything comes at a cost or with liabilities; including our own lives. Given that we are living in an era where people bid on life to survive, you got to know how to estimate the value of life, for a fair bid.

So the question today is; how to make your first move to bid on life?

There are tens of thousands of deaths taking place annually in cranky city corners, spooky walkways, war fronts and torture chambers. In addition, there are thousands of people dying of hunger, mass shootings (outside the US), suicide bombings and bio weapons; pure victims of vile terrorism. But, for some reason world reacts to these killings/deaths weirdly based on estimates of human value. Therefore it is vital to understand the grounds on which the human value is based, so that you can confidently throw your first solid bid, as the auctioneer brings his gavel down.

As I said earlier, there are a few considerations before making your first move at the auction. What are the determinants of Human Value Index (HVI), is the million-dollar question at this stage. 

The following is an excerpt from a paper published in 2013 by the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis. As you go along you will realise that it makes sense from an economic point of view, but,

after all they conclude the paper saying "HVI gives a more intuitive measure. It ends up being very close to income". Throw this piece of "paper" into trash bin and I will give you a sensible and an easy approach to HVI, so that you can easily calculate it with widely researched and accepted, mainstream data.  

Our version of HVI (Human Value Index) is determined by per capita GDP or Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) adjusted Gross National Income (GNI), rank of your passport, Education Index, Employability Index and Economic growth. Now, let's discuss elaborately how each of these factors could impact HVI.

There's nothing much to preach on GNI at current PPP. However, it is an indirect indicator of the contribution of index country towards 'my growth' and my country's economic growth. If the country is a potential change maker of poor souls of neighbouring countries, it is likely its GNI is high, and in turn the HVI as well.  

Passport rank: It is an indirect estimate of country's diplomacy and political/economical ideology. It is the extent to which the country is in others' good books (To sum it up: how much do others hate you as a country).

Employability Index is an indirect number that says how badly could a human from country A, be a pest to country B. Just like a 'swarm of people' crossing boarders, in quest of prosperity. Education Index: Well, nothing much to say about it, I just felt like including it since its usually a punchline, in fora for "Economic development".

Economic growth is almost always a single digit and I managed to include it into the calculation with minimal effect to the index, despite allegations of Allied powers of World War Two, 'except China'. 

Including the ratio of country's population to global population, in such a way that the ratio is inversely proportional to HVI was my earnest entreaty, but in the midst of towering protest by Indian and Chinese communities, I had to get rid of it, only to realize that I have thrown the baby out with the bathwater. (Because, it would have improved my HVI significantly, since I belong to one of the rare nationalities in the world with a global representation of just 22 million)

HVI = { [93 - Passport Rank / 92] x [GNI / C ] x Education Index x [Employability Index / 100] } + Percentage Economic growth / 100

92: Total number of passport ranks in the world 

Education Index: Use data from the United Nations Development Program (UNDP)
Passport rank: Use data from Global Passport Power Rank 2016 (Passport Index)
C: Global per capita GDP

If you closely look at it you will realise that after all, it becomes a pure judgement call, and the results are pretty much equivalent to a combination of per capita GNI and passport index. Now that you have a fair understanding of Human Value Index, let's try some primary grade math. Take your internet device and search for required data to calculate HVI for Belgium, Egypt, France, Pakistan and Afghanistan. 

What would be the height of social media outcry to a night of carnage in France vs. Pakistan? If you bother to compare your calculated HVI, to responses from diplomats and envoys of other countries condemning vile terrorism in the recent past, statements in solidarity with affected people and electronic/social media attention drawn towards recent terror attacks, you will realise that there is a clear value estimation process that is involved, prior to a response.

We can explain recent electronic and printed media responses and social media outcries over terrorism with the formula and it freakin works, doesn't it?

Take this simple example. What would be the reaction of the world if Jimmy Wales gets killed in a bomb blast? What would be the reaction if Steve Jobs also gets killed in the same attack? 
Or else compare Linus Torvalds vs Bill Gates, you will find the same answer.

This does not mean that the rest of the world hates Asia or vice versa. Asians always hate Asians, just like unspoken but widely acknowledged racism in Asia. Going off on a tangent; when God introduced Asians he made sure that they will hate each other for some reason, just like Kilkenny cats who killed each other: the two cats who fought until only their tails were left on the floor. So in conclusion no nation in Asia could develop without pulling each other down, unless the country is ruled by a totalitarian ruler. We, Asians do not understand the language of equity, equality and quality of life.

Back to our topic; after all intricate situation analysis, there is a terrific take home message to all. It is a salient advice on time management. Whenever there is a terror attack reported somewhere in the world, do not waste your time on sentiments against terrorism, statements of solidarity, 'pray for' hash tagging or sharing information, instead, quickly calculate HVI and act accordingly. Choose wisely; just like how the United Kingdom chose the United States and it's allies, in 2003 invasion of Iraq. 

Samandika Saparamadu


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